Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Propellers 1/72


SBD-3 Dauntless "LCDR C. Wade McClusky" Enterprise Air Group Commander , 4th June 1942 "Battle of Midway"


June 4, 1942 LCDR C. Wade McClusky led aircraft to locate the Japanese Fleet off Midway Island. When they arrived the enemy had gone so McClusky made a history altering decision. He guessed correctly where the Japanese Fleet was and his Group attacked and sank two carriers. Two Zeros attacked and his gunner W.G. Chochalousek managed to down one plane but 55 bullets ripped through the Dauntless wounding McClusky but not harming the gunner. He nursed the plane back to the Enterprise and later was awarded the Navy Cross.

Added to archive2021-01-14
Last modified2021-01-14
Leaflet March 2020