Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Jets 1/72


McDonnell Douglas A-4F Skyhawk VA-164, Ghost Riders: USS Hancock, Lady Jessie


During the 1950’s the future A-4 pilot Dick Perry was a university student who worked part-time in Reno Nevada casino. While working there he became friends with another worker and his wife who treated Dick like a son. Dick graduated from university and joined the USN completing pilot training and reporting to the VA-164 “Ghost Riders” in January 1966. The motherly woman kept in close contact with Dick and sent care packages with enough pastries for the rest of VA-164 as well. Dick managed to have a squadron party in Reno and it was held in the hotel and casino that the man and woman who had befriended Dick now owned. The couple soon became well known for their hospitality. A very close attachment grew between the woman and the men of VA-164. She became more a part of the “Ghost Riders” when Dick named his A-4 after her. On August 31, 1967 tragedy struck when LCDR Dick Perry’s Skyhawk was hit by a SAM off the coast of North Vietnam. Although Dick ejected and landed in the ocean, when the rescue helicopter arrived on scene they reported that the pilot was dead. With that the helicopter came under fire and was forced to leave without recovering Dick’s body. Even with the loss of Dick Perry the woman kept in contact with her adopted Naval Aviator sons. Heart broken over the loss of Dick she still managed to host a party in May 1968 for VA-163 and VA-164 to show her affection and devotion for them. She took the time to write over 500 letters to the servicemen throughout the Vietnam War. The men so admired this woman that they decided to honor her by putting her name on the aircraft of every VA-164 CO. Her name would become part of VA-164 history and she and her kindness were talked about long after the Ghost Riders were disestablished in 1975. For 20 years it was assumed that LCDR Dick Perry’s body was lost at sea but in 1987 his remains were returned to the US. In 1987 both Dick Perry and the “Lady” returned home. Mrs. Beck age 83, died in Reno, Nevada, in July 1987. To most people she was known as the “gambling grandmother” but to the men of the “Ghost Riders” she will always be known as “Lady Jessie”.

Added to archive2015-11-19
Last modified2015-11-19