Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Jets 1/72


F-100C Super Sabre SK-737 "Miss Mynookie", 188th TFS, New Mexico ANG, Tuy Hoa AB, South Viet Nam, 1968


The 188th TFS/150th TFG of the New Mexico ANG was called to active duty in late January 1968 and in May 1968 began to deploy men and materiel to Tuy Hoa AB in South Vietnam. It was an 11,000 miles trip requiring 3 re-fuels for their F-100s. F-100C Super Sabre SK-737 “Miss Mynookie” was the personal aircraft of Lt. Col. Frederich Fink C.O of the 188th TFS. During the 188th time in Vietnam, May 1968 until May 1969, they flew 6,000 plus sorties.

Added to archive2015-11-19
Last modified2015-11-19
Leaflet August 2014
April 2014