Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Jets 1/72


F-102A Delta Dagger 31802, 16 FIS, Naha AFB, Okinawa, late 1950s


31802 was a modified JF-102A and sent to the Wright Air Development Center. In 1955/56 the aircraft spent the winter at Ladd AFB, Alaska as the Cold Weather Test airframe. Beginning in 1959 until 1965 the 16th FIS was stationed at Naha AB, on Okinawa. It was in 1959 that F-102A 31802 joined the 16th FIS before heading to the 317th FIS, the 509th FIS, Idaho ANG 190th FIS and storage in 1971. In February 1977 the aircraft was scrapped.

Added to archive2015-11-19
Last modified2015-11-19
Leaflet November 2013