Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Propellers 1/72


B-26K Counter Invader 64-17649, Congolese Air Force, Brazzaville, 1965 (with 4 x LAU rocket launchers)


The Congo achieved independence in June 1960 and a Civil War took place between 1960 and 1965. Mutinies soon broke out by Congolese soldiers wanting better pay and advancement. Some provinces broke away and rebel armies formed. In 1964 in an attempt to back Colonel Joseph Mobutu the CIA sent 4 B-26s and in January 1965 two B-26Ks Counter Invaders were delivered. These aircraft were meant to destroy the rebel forces and end the unrest. One of the B-26Ks was 64-17649 built as an A-26C and upgraded by On-mark to a B-26K. The aircraft wore FR-649 in the Congo.

Added to archive2023-07-27
Last modified2024-05-17