Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Jets 1/72


McDonnell RF-101B "Recon Voodoo" 59-0402, 192 TRS, late 1972


In 1961 Canada began to receive the first of fifty six F-101Bs purchased from the U.S.. One of the aircraft was U.S. 59-0402, 170402 in Canada. Between 1970 and 1972 Canada traded in the original aircraft for sixty six newer F-101Bs. From September 1971 until January 1972 twenty of the returned aircraft were converted to RF-101Bs. In 1971 59-0402 was retired and converted and returned to service as an RF-101B. In 1973 59-0402 went to the Nevada ANG 192nd TRS and June 1976 went to AMARC and then sold in 1980 for scrap.

Added to archive2021-01-14
Last modified2021-01-14
Leaflet November 2020