Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Jets 1/72


F-CK-1A Prototype 77-8001, ROCAF, December 1988


The first of three prototypes of the F-CK-1A known as “Ching Kuo” (F=Fighter, CK = Ching Kuo, 1 = first domestically developed fighter) was rolled out on December 10, 1988. On May 28, 1989 the first FSD took to the air. The aircraft was given a red, white and blue paint scheme with 10001 on the vertical tail and serial number 77-8001 (77= the year it was built -1977 on Taiwan calendar, 1988 on the Gregorian calendar) below it.

Added to archive2015-11-19
Last modified2015-11-19
Leaflet September 2011