Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Jets 1/72


MIG-23MLD White 55, 120 IAP, Bagram AB, Afghanistan 1989


The 120th IAP arrived at Bagram and Shindad Afghanistan as part of the 23rd Air Army in 1988 and stayed until January 31, 1989. The 120th IAP was formed in 1969 at Brest Oblast and transferred to Domna in 1971. The 120th IAP was re-equipped with MiG-23s in 1978 and flew them until 1993 when they converted to the MiG-29. The MiG-23MLD was the most numerous MiG-23 variant in Afghanistan. The MiG-23MLD was nicknamed “Grif - griffon” by VVS crews. Soviet forces were in Afghanistan from late 1979 until late 1989.

Added to archive2019-07-15
Last modified2019-07-15