Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Jets 1/72


Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon Luftwaffe "Bavarian Tigers" 30+29, JG 74, Neurburg Air Base, 2013


In 2012 JG 74 joined the NATO Tiger Meet Association and made their first appearance at the 2013 NTM held at Orland, Norway. The meet lasted from June 15 – 28 and since JG 74 had never taken part before they were there as observers to learn what takes places and what is expected of participants. EF2000 30+29 “Bavarian Tigers” was given a special paint scheme for the NTM to show they were going to be a valuable asset. EF2000 30+29 also made an appearance at the “Phantom Farewell at Wittmund in mid 2013.

Added to archive2021-07-18
Last modified2022-01-13