Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Propellers 1/48


FW 190A-4 Luftwaffe flown by Oblt. W. Nowotny, CO of 1./JG 54, Staraya Russa, March 1943


Walter “Nowi” Nowotny reported to JG 54 Grünherz (Green Hearts) in December 1940 as part of their Erganzungsstaffel (replacement squadron). Two months later he was transferred to 9./JG54 flying a Bf-109. On July 19, 1941 he scored his first two victories but was then shot down himself. In October 1942 Nowotny was appointed Squadron Leader of 1./JG54. In January 1943 JG54 began to re-equip with the much faster and more agile Focke-WulfFw-190. Flying more than 442 missions Nowotny accumulated 258 victories of which 255 were over the Eastern Front.

Added to archive2021-08-27
Last modified2022-01-17
Leaflet December 2021