Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Propellers 1/48


Bf 109G-6 J-704, 7 Fliegerkompanie, Swiss Air Force, 1944


In 1940 the Swiss Air Force purchased 12 Me-109 G-6s from Germany and added 2 more captured aircraft. Messerschmitt Bf 109 G6 SAF J-704 Werk Nr 163245 Fliegerkompanie 7, joined the Swiss Air Force on May 26, 1944. The aircraft originally was Stkz RQ-BI. After two engine failure emergency landings, a lost canopy during flight and a crash into other aircraft on the ground. J-704 only had 57 hours flight time so it was repaired, repainted and fitted with a tall tail and withdrawn from service on February 2, 1947.

Added to archive2022-03-14
Last modified2022-03-14