Hobby Master Archive

Air Power Propellers 1/144


B-24D Liberator "Lady Be Good" 514th Bomb Squadron, 376th Bomb Group, 9th Air Force, 1943


B-24D Liberator 41-24301 arrived in Libya on March 25, 1943 assigned to the 514th BS, 376th BG. The number 64 was painted on both sides of the nose along with the name “Lady Be Good” on the starboard side. On April 4, 1943 the “LBG” was the last of 25 B-24s to depart to bomb Naples harbor. On the way home they lost their ADF and never returned. In 1958 it was located 440 miles inland on the desert. In 1960 8 of the 9 crew members remains were found.

Added to archive2021-08-28
Last modified2021-08-28
Leaflet April 2012