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Air Power Jets 1/72


Rafale C Multirole Combat Fighter 118-EF, Armee de l 'Air "NATO Tiger Meet 2012"


The 2012 NATO Tiger Meet “Arctic Tiger” was held from May 29 to June 8. It took place at Ørland MAS (Main Air Station) Norway and hosted by the 338 Skvadron of the Royal Norwegian Air Force. One of the participating aircraft was Rafale C, 118-EF (c/n 102) Armée de l’Air (French Air Force). This aircraft is operated by Escadron de Chasse et d’Expérimentation 05.330. The “Spirit of eXperementations” painted on its nose is related to the units title. The unit is responsible for testing aircraft and weapons.

Added to archive2022-03-28
Last modified2022-08-03
Leaflet September 2022