Hobby Master Archive

Ground Power 1/72

M48 Patton

M48A2 Patton medium tank 7th Armored Brigade, Sinai 1967


In the early 1960’s Israel needed to replace the old Sherman and AMX-13 tanks so a deal was made for U.S. Pattons to ship through West Germany to Israel. After 40 Pattons were delivered the secret deal was revealed so the U.S. had to deal directly with Israel. The Israelis received another 210 M48s equipped with gasoline engines and 90 mm main guns. The IDF went about modifying many of these machines and during the Six-day War the M48 appeared in many configurations such as up-gunned 105 mm L7 rifled guns, some with old M1 cupolas and some plain M48A2s with gasoline engines. There weren’t any M48 or M48A1 configured tanks used.

Added to archive2015-11-19
Last modified2015-11-19
LeafletMarch 2014