Hobby Master Archive

Ground Power 1/72


ISU-122S Tank Destroyer No.23, Soviet Army, Poland 1944


The Soviet Red Army crossed into Poland on July 13, 1944 and spent 40 days outside Warsaw. On September 11, 1944 Soviet forces moved in and in 3 days eliminated German resistance. On the fourth day the Soviets broke out and began their push towards Berlin in an effort to be the first army there. On April 20, 1945 Soviet artillery including ISU-122S began shelling Berlin and continued until the German surrender on May 2 1945 with a official surrender taking place May 7, 1945.

The marking reads “Imeni Mikoyana” - “In honor of Mikoyan” referring to Soviet Foreign Minister Anastas Mikoyan not his brother MiG designer Artem.

Added to archive2017-06-01
Last modified2017-06-01
Leaflet September 2017